Malta named Best Diving Destination in the world

January 30, 2025

This recognition wasdetermined by a panel of expert judges, including chief editors from renowneddiving publications such as Divemaster, PLONGEZ!, TAUCHEN,and The international diving community also played a keyrole through a public voting process. Competing in the Destination category,Malta outshone other contenders with its professional diving infrastructure andunparalleled opportunities for divers of all levels.

Malta’s appeal as a divingdestination lies in its perfect combination of natural and cultural treasures.The islands offer year-round diving opportunities, stunning underwaterlandscapes, world-class diving sites, as well as cutting-edge accessibility suchas the Underwater Malta virtual museum.

In addition, Malta boastsover 40 diving centres catering for all levels, from beginner to technicaldiving, supported by two decompression chambers for safety. Sustainability is akey focus, with protected areas such as the “Ċirkewwa Marine Park” and BlueFlag-certified beaches highlighting Malta’s commitment to environmentalstewardship.

Playing a role in this awardwin was also the direct connection between German cities and Malta. With directflights and excellent value for money, Malta is an easily accessibledestination for diving enthusiasts. Its compact size ensures short distances todive sites, further enhancing the convenience for visitors.

Martin Frendo, Director ofthe Malta Tourism Authority office in Germany, stated: “Being recognised as thebest diving destination worldwide is a testament to Malta’s dedication toproviding exceptional experiences for divers. This award highlights the richmarine biodiversity, historical treasures, and sustainable practices that makeMalta a standout destination.”

Carlo Micallef, CEO of theMalta Tourism Authority, added: “Malta’s win at the boot Düsseldorf DiveAwards is most welcome as it recognises VisitMalta and our partners’efforts to constantly improve the experience that our Islands offer to theinternational diving community, and the wide-ranging marketing and promotionefforts of MTA’s offices and representatives around the world. This award alsoreflects our commitment to excellence in tourism and environmental preservationas we seek to develop a sustainable future to the Maltese Islands’ tourismindustry.”